Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hours to Pray through

I have been lurking about on Jen's website at et tu? getting great inspiration to pray the liturgy of the hours. So, you know what? I gave it a try. I LOVE IT!!! I can't believe I had never prayed the Liturgy of the Hours before, being a cradle Catholic and all, and now I feel like I have missed out.

I pretty much use her rules, because they are very practical for a stay-at-home mom with little ones. So, a big, huge "thank you!" to Jen.

My anchors are now the prayers that are implanted throughout my day. I am no longer running in scattered circles, from cleaning up breakfast to starting laundry to dressing the kiddos to dressing myself and back to breakfast, and the reckless-mom-cycle continued all day long until I collapsed on the couch utterly disgusted with myself because nothing got done, and I was exhausted. Now, my days are broken into "before prayer" and "after prayer." I, too, light candles at the start of evening and stop my work (except nighttime routine) and the children love the lit candles. It brings a sort of calmness upon our home and a completion to the day.



Laura H. said...

I'm excited to hear that so many others have picked up LOTH. :) And I'm glad that it's brought a new organization and new peace to your home.

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

That is so inspiring, thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I, too, have been following Jen's posts in January, with her starting to think over Mother Teresa's rule, and coming up with her own rule, Lit. o/t Hours, etc.

Jen's posts were so good, I printed them out and gave them to my husband to read on his lunchbreaks at work. He was intrigued, and is implementing some of Jen's ideas at work and with our family when he comes home from work.

For instance, now after supper clean-up and a 10 minute house tidy, we are dimming the house lights, lighting a candle or two, and saying a family rosary around the dining room table, followed by family time. Anything goes, as long as you can do it without electricy and by candlelight. Reading aloud, games, talking, homework, snacking, etc.

Then we walk over to the piano, (by candlelight, of course) and my 16 yr. old daughter plays a hymn or two while the family sings. This signals night has come, and it's time to wind-down and get ready for bed.

I was skeptical about 16 yr. old girl and 13 yr. old boy enjoying this nightly routine, but they think it's great. Of course, the other 4 younger children love it!

I am also following the Lit o/t Hours along with Jen. So far, so good!

Renee said...

I have also been intrigued by Jen's experience, but haven't taken the time to try this. Your experience strengthens my resolve to give it a go. BTW, the prize for you will be going in the mail tomorrow a.m. Big snow storm has kept me home these last few days. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing me to that site.
I'm encouraging the Liturgy of the Hours at
and I will work this year at providing resources to help people get started.
Lent is such a good time to encourage that.